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Placement Exam 본문


Placement Exam

밍딩이 2016. 6. 30. 18:01

Placement Exam

Sentence Skills Sample Questions

Directions for questions 1-11

Select the best version of the underlined part of the sentence.

The first choice is the same as the original sentence. If you think the

Original sentence is best, choose the first answer.

1. Stamp collecting being a hobby that is sometimes used in the schools to teach economics and social studies.

A. being a hobby that is

B. is a hobby because it is

C. which is a hobby

D. is a hobby

2. Knocked sideways, the statue looked as if it would fall.

A. Knocked sideways, the statue looked

B. The statue was knocked sideways, looked

C. The statue looked knocked sideways.

D. The statue,looking knocked sideways,

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